Sunday, June 19, 2011

30 Things .

Hye all !
Korang bloggers tau tak pasal 30 Things In 30 Days Challenge ini ? Bila ngah bosan bosan , tak idea nak story ape , ok gak kalau share mende ni . Aku dengan ini , mencabar diri aku sendiri untuk menyahut cabaran ni dalam masa 30 hari . *tidak berturut-turut*
Seriously aku tak baca lagi semua 30 benda dlm challenge ni . Tak mencabar lah . Kita go on satu persatu oke ?
So , these all the things that I have to answer if I dare .!

Day 1 : your favorite song

Day 2 : your favorite movie

Day 3 : your idea for perfect first date

Day 4 : your favorite photograph of your best friend

Day 5 : a picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 6: a photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet

Day 7 : your dream wedding

Day 8 : a song that match your mood

Day 9 : a photo of the item you last purchased

Day 10 : a photo of your favorite place to eat

Day 11 : what's in your make up bag?

Day 12 : your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is

Day 13 : a picture of your favorite band or artist

Day14 : a tv show that you're currently addicted to

Day 15 : something that you don't leave the house without

Day 16 : a picture of someone who inspires you

Day 17 : how you hope your future will be

Day 18 : 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/ same sex

Day 19 : What makes you different from everyone else?

Day 20 : the meaning behind your blog name

Day 21 : a photo of something that makes you happy

Day 22 : a letter to someone who hurt you recently

Day 23 : 15 facts about you

Day 24 : a photo of something that means a lot to you

Day 25 : who are you ?

Day 26 : a photo of somewhere you want to go

Day 27 : what kind of person attracts you?

Day 28 : in this past month, what have you learn?

Day 29 : something that you could never get tired of doing

Day 30 : a photograph of yourself today + three good things that happened in the past 30 days

Amacam ? Ade berani ? Jomlah join jugak . Just for fun .

;sekarang dah guna dashboard baru lah ! interesting . bloggers , nak try jugak , kat .

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